6 Beverages to Keep You Hydrated This Summer

Trying to beat the summer heat? These six beverage options will keep you hydrated and healthy this summer season.

Summer beverages
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October 14, 2024
July 17, 2024
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As the summer heat intensifies, staying properly hydrated becomes more crucial than ever. Dehydration can sneak up on you quickly, leading to many unwanted, uncomfortable, and even dangerous symptoms. While water is the best beverage for quenching thirst, a variety of beverages can help keep you hydrated and refreshed during these hot summer months. From electrolyte-rich sports drinks to naturally hydrating coconut water, we've compiled a list of the best beverages to keep you cool and fully hydrated this summer.


Importance of Hydration

Hydration is crucial as water helps with many bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and nutrient transport. In terms of physical activity, even mild dehydration can impair endurance, strength, and coordination. Staying hydrated also supports cognitive function, helping to enhance concentration, alertness, and even short-term memory. 

Water helps flush toxins from the body through urine and sweat, which is your body’s natural detoxification process. Adequate water intake keeps joints lubricated, reducing the risk of joint pain and discomfort. It also maintains skin health, helping to prevent premature aging. Furthermore, proper hydration supports digestive processes and prevents constipation. It even impacts mood regulation, as dehydration can lead to irritability and mood swings. 

The Role of the Summer’s Heat on Hydration 

Environmental heat significantly impacts hydration levels, making it essential to increase fluid intake during the hot summer months. High temperatures cause the body to sweat more as it attempts to cool itself down. This increased perspiration can increase your risk of dehydration, especially if you do not adequately replenish those fluids and electrolytes. Dehydration during summer can result in symptoms like headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and heat exhaustion, or heat stroke. If you participate in physical activity outdoors, the fluid loss is exacerbated, so hydration becomes even more important. 

Top 6 Hydrating Beverages

Refreshing beverages


The most effective hydrating beverage is, you guessed it, water! It’s calorie-free, readily available, and vital for numerous bodily functions. If you don’t like plain water, don’t worry. Test out the vast array of flavored sparkling waters to increase your intake.

Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolyte drinks include sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, or electrolyte-infused water. These drinks help replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. They are especially beneficial during intense physical activity, as they contain carbs to power your workout and essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium that support hydration and muscle function.

Fruit-Infused Water

If plain water is too boring, try adding some natural flavor. Adding fruit to water makes it more appealing for many people. Explore subtle flavor combinations by adding slices of fruits like lemon, lime, cucumber, pineapple, berries, or even herbs like basil for variety. This can provide a refreshing, flavorful alternative to plain water.

Coconut Water

Naturally rich in electrolytes such as potassium, coconut water is a popular hydrating choice. It is a low-calorie beverage that helps replenish lost fluids and electrolytes. However, this beverage lacks sodium, making it not particularly effective after exercise or in hot weather.

Herbal Teas

Unsweetened herbal teas, such as hibiscus, chamomile, and peppermint, are hydrating and can offer additional health benefits depending on the plants used. They provide a flavorful, caffeine-free option for staying hydrated. Limit the use of added sugars like honey if you are aiming to balance blood sugar or watch caloric intake.

Oral Rehydration Solutions

These drinks are specifically designed to treat dehydration, especially after illnesses that cause vomiting or diarrhea, such as Pedialyte. They contain a precise balance of electrolytes and glucose, which enhance water absorption in the intestines, making them highly effective in restoring hydration quickly. These are safe to drink anytime but especially beneficial when dehydrated.

<div class="pro-tip"><strong>Also Read: </strong><a href=can-dehydration-cause-high-blood-pressure>Can Dehydration Cause High or Low Blood Pressure?</a>.</div>

7 Tips for Staying Hydrated

A glass of water
  1. Drink Regularly: Don't wait until you're thirsty. Make it a habit to sip water throughout the day.
  2. Carry a Water Bottle: One way to ensure you regularly drink water is to always keep a reusable water bottle with you. This serves as a constant reminder to always be sipping.
  3. Monitor Urine Color: The color of your urine can indicate your hydration. Light yellow or clear usually indicates good hydration, while dark yellow suggests you need more fluids. 
  4. Set Reminders: If you don't remember to drink water during the day, it’s a good idea to set alarms to remind you to do so at regular intervals. 
  5. Eat Water-Rich Foods: Drinking isn’t the only option. Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet, such as cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries.
  6. Drink Before Meals: Another way to ensure you are frequently hydrating is to have a glass of water before each meal. This will regularly maintain hydration and, as an added bonus, aid digestion.
  7. Hydrate Before, During, and After Exercise: It’s crucial to keep hydrated when completing physical activity, especially outdoors. Drink water before you start exercising, take sips during your workout, and replenish fluids afterward.

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<div class="pro-tip"><strong>Learn More: </strong><a href=weather-affect-metabolic-health>How Weather Can Affect Metabolic Health</a>.</div>

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About the author

Kristen Carli is the owner of Camelback Nutrition & Wellness. She graduated from University of Arizona with a BA in psychology and then received a BS in dietetics from Arizona State University.

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